Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vivitar January 8, 2010

Lo svezzamento tradizionale

James spent five months and soon I'll have to start weaning. I've actually already started to give fruit as a snack. Half a mashed banana and mixed with a little 'my milk or apple sauce. Soon I will start to give the first and jelly for lunch, according to the outline given to me by the pediatrician are weaned after about a month and a half will also replace the feed in the evening with a thick soup. Both the fruit vegetables that I'm going to comperarle biologiche . La frutta biologica l'ho trovata alla GS e al Supermercato Despar vicino a casa, la crema di riso e quella di mais e tapioca la vendono alla Coop (anche online) mentre la verdura fresca biologica è più difficile da trovare. Una mia amica mi ha suggerito di provare questo mercato: la città dell'altra economia . Si trova a Testaccio ( qui le indicazioni).

Per lo svezzamento il mio pediatra mi ha conisigliato questo schema :

4 pasti gr. 180-210
3 meals gr. 210-240
added a spoonful of flour of cereals (rice, maize, tapioca)

1 meal of vegetable broth (AT 12)
Take about 100 grams of green vegetables-chard, lettuce, celery - a carrot and a small potato. Boil all in a quart of water without salt, on low heat for at least an hour until the liquid reduce by about half. Filter.
160 + 20 grams (3 tablespoons) of cream of rice or cream corn and tapioca
+ 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil + 1 teaspoon
to follow the jelly from apple, pear or banana peel (80 g .) *

After 2 days, add chicken or turkey or beef or rabbit
or homogenized freeze-dried meat (3 / 4 jar) or 20 g of fresh steamed and pureed
After another 2 days in the broth add 2-3 tablespoons of mashed all the vegetables.

Important: Do not force your child to take any food, you could create conflict and delay the proper weaning.

IS NOT RECOMMENDED IN THE INTRODUCTION OF DIET foods containing gluten until the sixth month of life.

* Here are some do not agree (see here ). I asked Serena, author of Blog because the fruit is better mangiarla lontano dai pasti e lei mi ha risposto:
" frutta è preferibile consumarla o prima o lontano dai pasti. Il motivo e' semplice: il nostro stomaco digerisce molto in fretta gli zuccheri semplici (come il fruttosio della frutta) ma piu' lentamente e con diverse concentrazioni di succo gastrico proteine e grassi. Percio' dopo un pasto "completo" metterci la frutta significa tenerla per ore nello stomaco facendola fermentare e provocando i comuni problemi di digestione. Se invece la frutta si mangia prima del pasto o da sola viene immediatamente digerita senza fermentare. Se ci pensi bene anche la composizione del latte materno e' proprio cosi': zuccherina all'inizio e ricca di nutrienti alla fine."

Here a pattern of food allowed for the various age groups of children (0-3 years) of the Swiss Society of Pediatrics

Update 8 October 2009:

NOTE: until the completion the first year of the introduction of solid food (ie other than breast milk or formula) has the sole purpose of the child to get used to the taste of food (and chewing) as the staple food must come from milk, maternal or artificial. Since completion of 1 year onwards will be the opposite.
So if early weaning will seem that the child does not eat "do not worry. I gave the solid food for lunch and dinner, if they wanted or not wanted everything not force it and then gave her breasts. Now, one year, my son eats everything (including legumes and vegetables), eating alone (since the 8-9 months) with your hands and quickly (in 20 minutes-half hour to finish up lunch or dinner ). The secret to me: - make him taste of everything (as recommended by pediatricians to avoid allergies, then egg after the 8th month, year after honey, etc.).
- not expected to eat for strength,
- do it get to lunch or dinner with the right hunger,
- do try and eat only with your hands without worrying about the food that falls from the table. Remember though that

l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità consiglia di non iniziare lo svezzamento prima del 6° mese di vita compiuto . In commercio molti preparati (farine, ecc) scrivono "dopo il 4° mese di vita" a causa di una vecchia legge. In realtà oggi si sa che è meglio che il bambino sia alimentato esclusivamente con il latte (materno o artificiale) fino al compimento del 6° mese. La naturopatia consiglia di non iniziare lo svezzamento prima della comparsa delle prime due coppie di incisivi (vedi qui lo svezzamento naturopatico).


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