Monday, February 9, 2009

Rent Crepe Machine Ny

Chapter 4 Chapter 5

Lasa-ar sferrò un calcio allo stomaco della strega. In quel grumo di carne spinto in un angolo della cella era rimasto ben poco di umano.
This strengthened his anger at the attempt to deceive the witch. He believed not to be unmasked?
"The order was to kill the two dragons, the sons of the venerable" The eyes of the usurper were cracks on a face that seemed to be carved in stone.
The woman looked up in chains Lasa-ar, his imposing figure who loomed over her. "Li-I ... confusing you. I made them fall. "
He had torn from their family, and he hated himself for this, but the separation still left in life expectancy. Let them die before the eyes of the mother ... not would ever forgive her.
"You know what this means, what I promised se avessi proseguito nella tua resistenza”. “Lasa-ar…”
“ Mio Signore? ”
“ Assicurati che questa pezzente resti in vita, fino a che non sarà giunta la sua cara sorellina. ”
“ Noo! ” Gli occhi sbarrati su un orrore che ormai poteva vedere soltanto lei, Hairyn si gettò nel vuoto davanti a sé, come se potesse raggiungere Edenielle, quanto di più prezioso aveva cercato di proteggere.

Quando riprese i sensi, quel senso di perdita era ancora potente in lei, provocandole lunghi brividi.
Il vuoto che aveva dentro la portò alle lacrime.
“ Non credo di poter fare molto, per lei ” mormorò una voce.
Edenielle opened his eyes and found a candle in less than an inch from your face. The hand that held it was the same that he had taped over your mouth, down the alley.
Instead, they were the hands of an elderly person to push on the bed, when he tried to get up.
"Hairyn ..."
"Stay still. "The man said, putting the candle on a barrel beside him.
Edenielle shook his head, grasped by the first of a new series of sobs. Was remembering all too quickly.
The merchant asked the soldier, the name of his sister ...
"They're going home to Mastro Kean! "He had to warn him.
'It is too late, girl. I'm sorry. Nothing would have convinced them to spare after the Witch knew that you had left him. "The witch
"Hairyn would not hurt anyone! "
He saw the two faces turning dark, in the dim light that she could not enter, his eyes clouded by tears of impotent rage.
"The Hairyn that you knew may not exist. "Those words chilled, because there was no opinion in them, but resignation.
"What do you mean? And who you are, because I have taken away? "
" You collapsed on the ground under my eyes and you began to move jerkily, I could not leave you there. In addition, the soldiers had heard and ... were returning to the alley. "
" The young man here with me he had no choice. They would not have used a moment more to understand that you feel the thoughts of dragons. "
Edenielle bit his lower lip. "Do not tell anymore! "Moved away from the legs, the rough blanket that was lying there. "I find information about her. I must go to Hairyn. "
" would you, too. She is now a weapon in the hands of the usurper, do not you understand? "Said
's old.
"They had to ..." Edenielle could no longer pretend not to understand.
Hairyn were using, what they were forcing to do?
"What you saw, when ..."
He turned angrily toward the boy, sat down beside her to make her that question, the more confused you. Who was he?
It took courage and wiped tears, praying that the voice will not crack. "I want to know who you are? How do you know what happened to me? "
" We were in contact with the thoughts of dragons, girl, even if not directly like you and Hairyn lady, for example. We believe in the Covenant of Blood: now only the latest collaboration between dragons and men who had this close relationship with them can save us. That 's what the Usurper wants to avoid. "
Edenielle struggled to follow the reasoning of the older man, while the other watched the hours lost in thought. Her blond hair was dirty with mud, his dark eyes seemed dark, dull.
"The Covenant of Blood? There is no one ... And then the Usurper has prohibited the appointment of the dragons. ... You think you can put against him? "
The young man jumped up, her thin lips stretched into a grimace of anger. "Just you say that? Your sister talked to dragons. My brother followed her, when they took. Maybe he died, to try to protect her and her power. "
Edenielle knew he had hurt in some way not only humans, but anche il vecchio. “ Mi dispiace. Ma so…so che lei non farebbe mai qualcosa di male! ”
“ Sì, se venisse costretta a farlo ” Fardin parve essersi calmato. “ Non puoi immaginare quali strumenti di ricatto, quali torture ami usare Lasa-ar, agli ordini dell’Usurpatore. Mia madre…”
“ Non ora, figliuolo ” lo calmò l’anziano. “ Vivevamo lavorando per la comunità in cui tua sorella era venuta a studiare i suoi poteri. Streghe, come le chiama l’Usurpatore teme ogni possibile legame che possa rafforzare i draghi: il Patto con gli uomini come il potere dei sapienti. ”
Edenielle avrebbe voluto che smettessero di dire quelle cose. “ The sages taught love your sister how to use his powers. We know that lady Hairyn had a good heart, and so are you, girl ... I'm sorry. "A
Edenielle let out a sob. "Could you ... could still be alive? "
" I do not know what to expect, "said Fardin. "Now you have to think about how to hide."
"How many dragons exist, yet? "Preferred to ask Edenielle, perhaps to concentrate his thoughts elsewhere, so as to dispel the image of the moment when the dragon swallowed the emptiness, loss, and tearing him to his mother.
What horrors had made up Hairyn, to force her to unleash its power silver lining?
"I want to do something too. "
" You stay safe, instead, "said Elder. "As long as the renewal of the agreement shall not be revealed, we have to wait. "

(Francesca Poggioli)
The fourth chapter takes up the character of the tumultuous Lasa-ar. Let us finally face the Uruspatore and we learn some interesting things about witches. At this point, since we are ahead of a chapter, we will give time for Chapter V until midnight on Sunday, February 15, 2009 . We're pretty on with the story. I do not want to give you suggestions or other charges but I think it is appropriate to begin to think in a "finishing straight," as we have before us only another 3-4 chapters. The questions are:
1) What happened to the children of Katya? And the two dragons adults? Whyrm fail to achieve?
2) What happened to the prince Ghared?
3) Why the Usurper does not want the dragons from escaping?
These responses will decide how to develop the story which, of necessity, has to gain momentum in the next 1-2 chapters.
Thank you and all and see you soon.


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