Sunday, February 22, 2009

Best Receiver Under $5000

last effort Chapter 6 Chapter 7

Endenielle Katya and crossed the southern arm of the ridges West, when the Month of the dying sun was ending. The Feast of the start of spring would be held in the Great Valley four days later. They, however, would not have celebrated. They passed a step less, north of west gate, hoping not to meet the men of the usurper who now controlled most of the steps, even on that side of the valley. Would be able to trace Arghanteron Silvery Wind? Close to the white dragon, Endenielle was cold.

"Hide yourself." Kurgran Mantle Ebon was tired. Il sole lanciava dardi roventi sul Deserto Ignoto, riflettendosi sulla biancheggiante distesa di rocce calcaree in riflessi abbacinanti. Infine, gli Sterminatori erano giunti sino a loro. Erano trascorsi diversi giorni da quando Lasa-ar li aveva scovati poche miglia all’interno del deserto, in una bella oasi. Halandor e Jalandrin erano stanchi. Le loro acerbe ali si affaticavano facilmente e così i fuggiaschi erano atterrati per rifocillarsi. Kungran era preoccupato dalla penuria di cibo. I draghi dovevano divorare diversi bovini adulti al giorno e il deserto offriva solo pochi rettili e qualche cammello. La sua vista era acutissima e aveva scorto il mare all’orizzonte. Ancora pochi giorni di viaggio - aveva sperato - e l’Oceano Rosso avrebbe permesso loro to have food in abundance. While hovering near the oasis in search of food, Kungran had identified a century of extermination. With them was certainly a wise man, it would not otherwise have found. Lasa-ar had certainly figured out how to submit to his will the woman who had unearthed. The fugitives stood up in the air, but Wise had affected them. Kungran had clearly perceived the cry of pain of the Wise. His name Hayrin. He was cursed for what he had to do. Kungran he knew the woman was innocent: the offspring of Mad King had discovered their secret temple where he had kept the flame of their wisdom. Imprisoning the flame's Exterminators, could force the Wise to obey them. Hayrin, however, had an exceptional temperament. So she could disobey the last moment, the order of his jailer. He hit the dragons, unleashing a sandstorm that had forced them to land. Katya had separated from his children, but had saved them hiding them in Lasa-ar. Now, however, the exterminator was there. Kungran knew it had to fight.
Whyrm the sparkling was aware he had a short time. He had hardly slept when, days earlier, had come to the desperate cry of Katya. The wife of the Reverend Jahagl was separated from her children and her mother had passed the pain of the Desert and the Sea at the Island of Fire. The Lord Dorato avrebbe voluto piombare sulla Grande Valle con tutti i suoi draghi e con un esercito di Grandi Lucertole. Non poteva. L’Isola era stata sigillata da Arghanteron per impedire che gli uomini tentassero nuovamente di carpire il potere dei draghi. Arghateron aveva dato facoltà di scelta ai suoi sudditi e quattro stirpi di draghi avevano decidere di lasciare la loro terra, per vivere in quella degli uomini. Solo al Re dell’Isola di Fuoco era consentito attraversare i Cancelli Rossi. Per questo motivo, nessuno dei fuggiaschi avrebbe potuto raggiungere la salvezza sull’Isola, senza l’aiuto di Arghanteron. Solo lui poteva sciogliere il sigillo e permettere ai Draghi di lasciare l’Isola per combattere quella guerra e porre fine una volta per tutte all’Usurpatore. Per questo motivo aveva ordinato a Katya e al principe Ghared di trovarlo. Sperava che la giovane Sapiente trovasse Katya e la conducesse da Arghateron. In quel momento, però, Whyrm non aveva tempo di fantasticare. Aveva individuato Manto d’Ebano e la progenie di Jahagl. Kungran e i piccoli erano in pericolo. Le armature degli Sterminatori nereggiavano sulla sabbia bianchissima del deserto, gli elmi in foggia di lupo e i loro tubi che lanciavano fuoco venefico. Vide la Sapiente prostrata dallo sforzo di inibire i poteri di Kungran.
Lasa-ar assaporò il trionfo. Kungran Manto d’Ebano era un avversario temibile, ma era solo. Nonostante questo, il suo soffio aveva avvolto in una bruma mortale almeno trenta dei suoi Sterminatori. This time, however, the Witch had cooperated. It was enough to throw cold water on the flame of her intelligence, who was imprisoned nell'ametista where he had locked his Lord. Halin had worked as opposed to the insipid Hayrin. The song of the witches had absorbed the power of Mantle Ebon. Every breath of the black dragon had killed the men of Lasa-ar, but had been turned against him by the witch, slowly, he had absorbed the energy of life.
He brought the giant head Kungran to his Lord. After the failure with Hayrin had feared losing the esteem of his king With that victory, he would have regained. A scream of terror the
turned away from his thoughts. It was the Witch. A terrible feeling seized him. As a fury turned to the rear of his camp and froze. The dragon
largest he had ever seen enthroned in the clear sky of noon. It was at least twice as long Mantle Ebon and his wingspan was monstrous. The darting of the desert sun was reflected on the golden scales of the dragon, turning it into a flaming nightmare. He had only heard of the existence of the monster.
Whyrm the sparkly.
King fell on the Island of Fire exterminated without mercy. It seemed that the Sun itself had fallen on the army of the Wolves Blacks, incineration.
"I failed ". Lasa-ar Whyrm groaned, as he invested a puff of sparkling light that dazzled and blazed like a dry branch, burnt by the sun's reflection.

him who the Dragons and the faithful Prince Ghared called the Usurper, cursed. Lasa-ar was dead, killed by the Whyrm sparkling with a hundred Exterminators of Dragons. Mantle Ebon had eliminated, but the children of Jahagl were alive, and now flying towards the encounter with their mother. Lasa-ar had liberated the essence of the Mad King from his prison of darkness and had thus given rise to Dakran, the Usurper, who is now crying his most powerful servant. A few hours before learning that news, the Mad King had felt sure of victory. Now, however, that triumph was hanging by a thread. He had to stop to rejoin Ghared Endenielle and Katya. Then he would take care of glittering. to meet with Arghanteron Silvery Wind. For a few minutes his men had in hand the boy, then the Northmen were plunged on them to release him. That variable was sfuggitane his plan. The inhabitants of the ridges West had always remained neutral. Because now you get involved in that conflict? These and other questions that had troubled him the Mad King. Because dragons were converging towards those sharp peaks and inhospitable?
"Let's move!". He ordered his army, from the armor of pitch. The Pass Rhio was distant only a day's walk from his army. Above him, the southern arm, with its towering snow-covered woods and mountains crowned with clouds.

(Daniel Ori)


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