Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cold Virus, Dizziness And Fatigue

"Find us. "
The voice sounded in the minds of Edenielle, quiet yet majestic.
"Find us, you remained the only one. The pact also requires you, the last of the witches who could listen and talk ... with my family. "
Edenielle slid to the floor, his back against the rock on which he began his watch, the end of the space that had erected their bivouac. Sakran and Fardin erano due compagni di viaggio silenziosi, ma molto abili a destreggiarsi tra foreste e boschi innevati. Endenielle ringraziò gli Dèi, per il dono di averli incontrati. Era la seconda notte di viaggio, per lei l’ennesima popolata da incubi. Non voleva più chiudere occhio, se poteva evitarlo, ma la stanchezza del corpo reclamava un’attenzione che non poteva più ignorare, se voleva conservare la lucidità.
Quella voce nella sua mente stava cambiando tutto. Non poteva essere ignorata.
La terrorizzava, toccava il suo cuore, completamente indifeso a causa della morte di Hairyn.
Niente di quello che aveva sperato di riuscire a fare era possibile.
“ Non è vero, ragazza ” si unì una voce different, "it is not. I have even lost hope of finding my children. If cederai, your sister will die a second time. "The sadness that permeated
vocal timbre that was worse than any could have imagined Edenielle trial. A mother's voice, the voice of the dragon that the Usurper had wanted to hit, using the power of Hairyn.
"You and the young Ghared are the way to strengthen the alliance. I beg you, you must find the courage. You must help us find the only dragon that can still do something. "
not know who is asking, he said Edenielle.
"Oh, I just think they know it, a young witch," said the voice behind him, while blocking the two arms from behind. "It's bitterly regret having tried your mind. "The Exterminators
came upon them, the pitch-colored armor and helmets in the shape of a snarling wolf. A blade glinted in the dark and Sakran death rattle before they get out of bed. Fardin was swifter and erse before the fire with the sword.
No, I was able to escape, to warn them!
"You scum, do not ever give up, even with a noose around his neck? ". How
had to steal the voice of the dragon in his thoughts?
The grip on her arms seemed to be of iron, and the magic of Edenielle turned down channels that had not even imagined to possess. Despair itself fed, clouding all rationality, he saw nothing, felt nothing, just wanted to get rid of those hands and struck succeed. The soldier who held her
backed only by the body, not loosened his grip up to his elbows.
"Leave me," ordered the centurion of the Exterminators, recognizable by the purple robe. "Busy Boy"
"Noo! "She cried, kicking with all his might, until a rough rope around them did not necks, knotted with a jerk that he rolled his eyes.
tried to strike again, but found himself ground at the foot of the centurion.
felt a fire blazing under the skin, head about to burst, full of screams that were not only his own, there were also those of the Dragons, who reacts angrily to his pain.
"Come on, call them" the smile of extermination was a gnashing of teeth, barely audible over the mask of snarling wolf. "Call to help your loved dragons. Maybe you'll be more useful than it was your sister. "

A thunder roared among the rocks, cracking briefly the security of the Exterminator, and immediately after, an unreal silence swallowed him every sound. In that stillness, even the heart of Edenielle seemed to have ceased i suoi battiti.
“Portatela nel carro! Non ci fermeremo fino a che non saremo di fronte al Re”.
Il drago proprio allora sorvolò l’area rocciosa, oscurando il cielo che volgeva all’alba, spalancando le fauci in risposta alle prime frecce che mirarono alla sua corazza.
La fiammata punì i due arcieri che si erano appena esposti; un cieco terrore pietrificò Edenielle, quando la testa della creatura si volse nella sua direzione. Fu in quel momento che vide una macchia sul lungo dorso di scaglie lucenti.
Non ebbe il tempo di capire: inaspettatamente, il centurione la gettò di lato, mandandola a sbattere contro un masso. L’impatto con la superficie appuntita le strappò un gemito.
When he could open his eyes, at least three groups of soldiers had appeared under the orders of Lasa-ar. Lance and the dragon balls nailed forced to rise again to dodge.
The voice of the dragon spoke again in his mind: "You must help us, we are cut off anywhere! By myself I can not ... get off and get you. "The centurion
laughed openly, claiming close to him Edenielle with a single tug on the rope. It was like a whip to her. A mark on his power.
"Bash, now! Show me your touch. "
" Noo! "Cried the young man who was dropped from the back of a dragon.
The Exterminators were quick to encircle the scene and seemed to enjoy very much the Exterminator, who moved to the boy calmly. "You can not prevent my witch obey, can not escape the power of an exterminator."
"I'll kill her, if you will not make your" replied the other, balancing the knife in front of him while the man took out his cloak.
Along Came a lieutenant, Edenielle really wanted the death. The preferred return of the pain, the knowledge that she was also a weapon in the hands of the usurper. She had nothing.
"Get ready. Will it hurt. "Only
the new message of the dragon with his conscience allowed him to remain calm, while sinking helplessly to the first centurion, a skilled swordsman compared to a young stranger who boldly challenged the sword, but that seemed too tired and tried to resist for long.
Edenielle's hands convulsively clasped the rope that began to mark the neck. Then a force
indescribable grabbed her, claws and grabbed the legs of the dragon surrounded her, raising it in flight. Only reached six feet tall, he experienced the pain that the dragon had announced, having to face the sudden breaking of the spell with which the destroyer was starting to dominate. If he had stayed there a few more moments ...
The thought of that controllo sulla sua mente la disgustò. Sotto di loro, il ragazzo faceva l’impossibile per fronteggiare lo Sterminatore. “Non può farcela! Devi portare in salvo anche lui!”
“ Lui ha la sua missione da compiere, tu hai la tua. Dobbiamo trovare i rinforzi. Noi voleremo verso il passo di Rhio e cercheremo Arghateron, il più potente tra i draghi”.

(Francesca Poggioli)


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