Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can I Get Pure Grain Alcohol In California

Chapter 8 Chapter 9

“ Principe Ghared. ”
Whyrm avvicinò il muso al fianco del ragazzo, mentre veniva medicato da Jenn, uno degli uomini del nord che si erano battuti con più coraggio.
Il principe fece di tutto per non sussultare, ma quello scontro con Lasa-ar aveva lasciato il segno, non riusciva a non pensare che si trovava lì soltanto per l’arrivo tempestivo di Kurgran. Il drago si era sacrificato per lui, e non avrebbe mai potuto ringraziarlo.
“Principe, ci dobbiamo rimettere in marcia, so che sei ferito, ma se non ci riuniamo subito, l’Usurpatore avrà un esercito sempre superiore con il quale poter vincere. ”
Ghared annuì, ringraziando Jenn e cercando di stabilizzarsi sulle gambe stanche. “ Verranno davvero, signore ” chiese allo Sfavillante. “ … draghi più antichi che possano sconfiggere the Usurper? "
" I'm convinced. And you must be there, because the pact will lead to the revival of a peace between our races. There will be no crowds to enslave our land. "
" Come on, then. "
The men came down from the eastern ridge were more determined than ever to provide their forces even in the decisive battle. It would have been irresponsible to think that the Mad King did not have reserves for Exterminators killed. In addition, there were witches who had found a way to enslave. One of them had attacked Kurgran, allowing the usurper the final lunge. The main concern was that power Ghared because cowardly hit. In
march at the head of the new-born army, a force that had yet to shrink but that certainly had a common ideal, the young man looked up at the huge winged figures that now guide them: the reassuring presence of the flamboyant, the flight still Kurgran uncertain of puppies that had taken cover.
not want to think for a moment the possibility that most of the Usurper could win, even killing them. Any spell possessed the Exterminators, who could not leave all their ravaged world.
"Beware! "Someone shouted from the end of the long line.
"Prince! "Came at the same time the warning from Whyrm.
There was no time to curse, only to draw the sword and fight the first of a team of extermination.
have become invisible!
seemed to really come out of nowhere, their armor dark colored rocks around them like insects huge and deadly. Some of them attacked the men, but in this whirl of blades Ghared saw many of their heads move up to the dragons.
"Noo! "The bulk of the sparkling
was like doubled in its fury, but as long as the Usurper had managed to keep them engaged in two parallel battles ... not had chance to really help each other.
And here he is laughing at them, the Mad King, in his shining armor, choice for what I felt already a victory. When she saw him advance towards him, had rejected Ghared hardly one of the Exterminators, moreover, unable to make it harmless. Panting, he could not help but try to catch my breath and focus, when he realized that he had decided to confront their own with him.
"How are you going now, eh? "Denigrated the dry voice from behind the helmet.
The air became progressively more dense and suffocating. A moment later, the Usurper attacked, not only with his sword, which creaked against the blade of Ghared. Ghared attacked with a weapon that felt and could not reject. Prince clenched his teeth, taking struggling under the weight balance of the enemy.
seek to guide, to understand where they were Whyrm Katya and their two children, tried to look where they were fighting Jenn and the others, but his perceptions and their senses do not cooperate. They were like ... off.
"I see that you understand," said Dakran. "There will be other dragons to save you, prince. The time of dragons is over. "
Raising the sword again cost him an effort to Ghared indescribable, it was like having to break a leather jacket became a shroud, a cocoon evil that opposed the move easier.
Prince shouted all his frustration, ignoring the laughter of the Mad King, releasing all his anger at the thought that every moment could have introduced the death of dozens of men around him ... and he could not help them.
"You're ridiculous," wanted to humiliate Dakran, overlooking. Ghared was on the verge of collapsing to the ground, but would not yield.
"My children, my creatures will reign over this land. The witch as he had sold his sister. I will give herself the last dragons. "
" No! "Cried the young man, rushing against the much more massive figure of the usurper.
forced him to retreat a few steps, but suddenly she saw him disappear into the invisible density haunted. Before you have time to turn around, Ghared felt an open cut on his back, between the shoulder blades, but shallow enough to surprise him and weaken him.

(Francesca Poggioli)


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