Sunday, May 24, 2009

2000 Land Rover Water Pump

What to give the original to a new mother

o farsi regalare:

Se si ha un giardino (ed un albero sufficientemente grande): una bella altalena per bebè . Quando il piccolo avrà 7-8 mesi si divertirà molto a dondolare. Prezzo: 15,40 Euro.

For Mom label (all should be): a test kit cloth diapers (35 pounds, about 38 euro) and the kit of accessories: a bucket to soak the diapers, wipes and cellulose prepannolino (13.90 pounds, about 15 euro)

For those who love the sea and has a garden: the tent for children that opens and closes in a few seconds (about 25 pounds = 27 euro).

For the babies of 5-6 months: the baby safe feeder ; a net that protects the child from the risk of choking while eating the fruit (or vegetables cooked). Very useful to engage the child in the restaurant e avere un quarto d'ora di tranquillità. 10 sterline (11 euro) la retina e 10 sterline 4 ricambi di retine (meglio prendere almeno 8 retine).

Un costumino da bagno lavabile (ca. 15 euro qui o da 3 a 9 sterlne qui ) per l'estate o la piscina.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Felicity Shagwell Costume

Weaning: to what extent the 8th month

Tra pochi giorni mio figlio compirà 8 mesi e questo è quello che è successo in termini di svezzamento, o - come si dovrebbe dire- di "alimentazione complementare" (perchè prendere il latte della mamma non è un vizio). All'inizio la pappa (frutta) che avevo provato a dargli verso i 5 mesi veniva praticamente sputata, ovvero non sapendo well what to do when finds it in her mouth, let it spill over the sides of the mouth. But it seemed to like (maybe it was sweet). Then I heard the baby led weaning and tried to put it into practice, giving zucchini, carrots and boiled potatoes and cut into rounds, most of the evening - when my husband and I had more time to check that you do not choke - and clean the mess that was created on the ground (he threw everything off the table). This "technique" I have tried weaning for 2-3 weeks, but several times the bits of food remained in my throat and I had to intervene, so I stopped. Then I let go a bit 'of time going back to breast milk only after 6 months and made I started giving him vegetable soup with cream of rice and a bit 'of olive oil (but no cheese). In the evening I gave him a crust of bread to always suck (Gonzales suggested it for a month after the 6th to make sure that there is an allergy to gluten, before introducing cereals containing gluten). Prompted by several pediatricians who support the importance of the contribution of iron (from meat), I added a couple of weeks even rabbit, but then I took the excuse (with all the supporters of this type of food around me) to dermatitis, to stop it. After 6 months, my son has shown to be a really good fork (basically eats everything). They are then passed
legumes, vegetables added to the porridge and cream of rice or wheat meal (after the 7th month): shelled peas in the first place, then azuki beans, red lentils and then peeled (I find it all in herbal ). James was very much appreciated. For the iron I'm entering the mung dhal, green soybeans that is peeled, cooked and blended, it turns out a creamy yellow tasty enough, to which I add a bit 'of olive oil (in Rome in Via sell it to Castroni Cola di Rienzo and - I have said-in a little shop in Via dello Statuto Piazza Vittorio. I take it from Castroni, 500 grams: € 1.50).
Today naturopath told me that I should wait at least the first two teeth to start weaning ma che se proprio voglio continuare, niente carne fino all'anno (non la digerisce), semmai il pesce verso fine anno. Sulla pappa di cereali e legumi posso spargere un mezzo cucchiaino di semi di zucca o semi di sesamo (quelli senza sale) tostati e schiacciati nel mortaio (dopo un breve tentativo, il mortaio è stato allontanato ed ho usato il frullatore Bimby che sminuzza benissimo). Questi apportano importanti elementi al bambino - come il calcio- oltre a conferire un buon gusto alla pappa.
Per il cattivo odore delle evacuazioni del bambino mi ha consigliato di aggiungere all'ultimo cucchiaino di pappa, mezza capsula (il contenuto, senza l'esterno, chiaramente) di fermenti probiotici Bifiselle. Ci proverò.

UPDATE: The Bifiselle to eliminate the smell of stool works great!