Monday, November 30, 2009

Wood Pellets For Cat Litter

2030 WATER PLANET EARTH TALK: Demand will exceed supply by 40%! November 25, 2009

In 2030, according to a study commissioned by Nestlé, Coca Cola and other beverage industry leaders in the packaging of mineral water, in 2030 the global demand for water will exceed 40% the actual availability. In view of huge profits for multinational companies: over 25 liters per person will pay salty ...

After the recent decree that requires the privatization of water comes news that helps us understand the vision of the new provisions.

According to a report by McKinsey & Co. (a management consulting company) in 2030 probably the global demand for water will exceed availability by 40% effective . More demand and less supply means higher prices automatically: big business for those who already now mortgage management and control of the number one resource on the planet.

If the forecasts are pessimistic, particularly fatal to users and citizens around the world for those who funded the study, perhaps the reading can be anything but auspicious.
The report is entitled "Charting Our Water Future" and was commissioned by Coca-Cola, Nestle (bottled water), SAB Miller (beer), Syngenta (agro-industry) and World Bank.
So, given the increasing competition over water - which already has access to over a billion people - in 2030 demand will exceed supply by 40%.

The water is not considered as not only one of the aqueducts, but that of rivers, springs and underground aquifers, which is useful for agriculture and industry.

What is the way forward proposed by business groups? Go oltre il facile rimedio (così lo chiamano) di considerare l’accesso all’acqua un diritto umano. Così l’acqua verrà pagata per quel che vale, e non sarà più sprecata.

Nelle interviste pubblicate da Green Biz a commento del rapporto, il presidente di Nestle Peter Brabeck-Letmathe parla di un diritto all’acqua limitato alle necessità più basilari: 25 litri a testa al giorno . Il resto, chi lo vuole lo paga.

Secondo l’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità ce ne vuole il doppio – circa 50 litri a testa al giorno – per raggiungere un soddisfacente livello di igiene.

Water is a precious commodity not to be wasted for filling pools and watering golf courses: there is no rain. But if it passes the solution proposed by the report, large corporations - who can pay - in all likelihood be able to have all the water they want.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How Does Myamme Wear Her Weave


You're not alone, just ask for help, if you want you can do it here.
I'll give you a helping hand to overcome adversity because it is important not to isolate themselves from everyone.
You're not alone!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Buying Fake Calla Lilies

HUNTING DOWN 'intruder - Sweepstakes

HUNTING intruder!

Which of these six characters is not a member of the famous British band Spandau Ballet?

Send sms to 334-6133420 indicating the number of character that there 'shall enter a dick!
Among those who correctly predicted 5 prizes will be drawn to the "Dinner of Blogger + Citizenship Effective "to be held Nov. 28 at the restaurant" Il Chiostro dell'Avis "Mondolfo.


stay for two people in the beautiful setting of the Park Cesanelli for a week, between houses in green building, snakes and Ciambotti.

2 ° Classified
"From Via Mattei Ciarnin to "tour the sites of Complanare to taste typical products of these lands of excellence as the nanoparticles via Cupetta Fennel, Onion to exhaust the beautiful village Ribeca or noise barriers in via Po, designed by renowned architect Hans Von Bitch School of Hannover.

3rd Place
Around the Harbour on a sailing boat, to admire the already famous "unfinished quays" and enjoy the corny Guattoli's famous dish of the chef Corrado Senigallia Mecoioni Restaurant "Remo Contro".

4th place
Model of the Fortress (New Area Sacelit) in dark chocolate gift of Master Chocolate of Modica.
careful that Bell has already tried to eat twice a chimney cement praline.

tie fashion of the famous "The Candidate" to be chosen from the following: Orange Sicilian citrus, Green Hope in the primaries, Yellow Gold Bologna, Red Pompeii, Blue and Gray sob fish sea bass.

This post was created by the meeting of two minds, or rather two-of-mind, Laura "Pacchiarotta" Mengucci and Simone "Quilly" Tranquilli. VOTE VOTE VOTE

Friday, November 13, 2009

Cookie Monster, Someone Stole My Cookie


Informazione, ci vuole informazione !

Non inebetitevi davanti al televisore, questa paura produce profitto per le multinazionali. Perchè Obama e i grandi della terra non hanno vaccinato i loro figli e dispongono di un vaccino diverso da quello riservato alle popolazioni ?
Riflettiamo e informiamoci tanto e spesso.
Questa è informazione libera che dovrebbero fare i giornali, le televisioni, le testate on line.... invece non compare nulla.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Reasonable Brazilian Waxing In Hawaii



In memory of Eva overwhelmed and killed by 'car on October 29 last year.
You were tied to the life and the desire to ride a bicycle when a world of screaming engines you from behind.
Eva is no longer with us, a taxi 's invested. It 'died after. Eva is gone ... some of his friends speak of her. Personally I did not 'have known and not important, however, was one of us.

"Eva was 28 years old and was born in Brno, czech republic. For years he lived in Rome, and had recently expressed a desire to return home for a while ', she missed." But Rome is so beautiful ... "I said then, undecided about what to farsi.E then he decided: it was left.

A taxi swept Eve, the night of October 29, the Imperial Forums. After a short period of coma Eva died. Nobody knows yet what was the dynamic.

was beautiful? Yes it was, but that only counts in life, if it counts. It is now dead.

was sweet, nice, attentive, I looked into his eyes. Many have known, all are appreciated. Ciclofficina often frequented the central street baccina was assiduous ciclopicnic of the night pincio. Also at Ciemmona, perhaps from the first.

A young woman living with confidence and ease. Maybe someone here has encountered without a bike, worked for years in a room in Trastevere, "Stagecoach." "

"If 28 years to get to work by bicycle at night along Via dei Fori Imperiali.

If 28 years go to work by bike and by night Go down Via dei Fori Imperiali to go home you'll never believe that suddenly a taxi you leads me like a missile. For years, you move by bike in this crazy and wonderful city. Many times I have heard inpericolo surrounded by cars and scooters. occhiquelle've seen in people who drive with anger and violence. In life people seem to be reliable, but when they lay hands on the wheel and piedes ull'acceleratore change. See them for not respecting the precedenzaagli crossings, crossing the red traffic lights, do not stop for pedestrians crossing in front of the stripes are launched at full nonhardly see a bit 'of the open road, double parking or sidewalks, open without first looking behind the doors. Everything to get a few more minutes for a life lost in traffic. Often have you found to defend it tooth and nail your right to exist on the road with your bike with no engine than muscle strength. But a coward like you do not expect it really. Did not expect us. Being overwhelmed by a car behind Via dei Fori Imperiali surprises you.

Vogliamo la verità e la giustizia per Eva! "