Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Make Your Own One Piece Character

L' Endless Torment (short)

The highest expression of poetry.
L 'Endless Torment.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Toy Story Birthday Supplies Toronto


"VERSUS PULLOUT .... and not just"


on January 27, HOURS 16.30


a meeting on


The experience of a virtuous community

When the administrator is virtuous in deeds and not in slogans


DOMENICO Finiguerra

Mayor Cassinetta Lugagnano (I)


Stefano Bernardini

Citizenship and 'invited




From Istat report, as well as the ratio of the loss of land by the Politecnico di Milano data emerge disturbing and frightening. From 1995 to 2006 the amount of land consumption for residential use, production and infrastructure has been in Italy almost 70 000 hectares per year.

means that, in little more than a decade, has been covered with concrete and asphalt surface as large as the Umbria region and disappears every year an area as large as the entire town of Ravenna.

A small country, Cassinetta Lugagnano in the Province of Milan, has recently placed attention to the dramatic turnaround, both in the scope of urban planning instruments (the Plan Territory Government to Zero Growth) both in the way of administration which is based on involvement in decision-making and sharing of innovative procedures to citizens.

One could argue that it is easy to preserve the area when the dimensions are those who are, people just reach the 1,800 units, and large manufacturing and commercial activities not insist on the municipal territory. But if it is not like the small town is located near the larger metropolitan cities that presses and pushes the boundaries on the land still remained free to download their "incontinence building" - as the Mayor Domenico Finiguerra. Plots more attractive if they fall "in the fertile crescent" of the Lombard plain, especially if the land is so valuable that they have been declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, and especially if you are on the route to the airport Malpensa, on which rests the possibility of a four-lane highway with all the fanfare of the "capture value" of the outline business and all the equipment needed for subdivisions, shopping centers, industrial warehouses that usually attach themselves to the infrastructure as the hermit crab to pilot fish.

Especially since it is the small municipalities have to deal with the economic resources, with the local finance and choked with the problem of finding resources to meet current spending. And that is why it is the small number of those most vulnerable to the pressures of "res edificatoria. and therefore more exposed to monetization of the area and divert current expenditure on the infrastructure costs, rather than on the achievement of collective services and the green.

Cassinetta Lugagnano's success is based on a clear plan by the Mayor and the participation and involvement of citizens at the stage of preparation.

citizens through meetings and assemblies were placed immediately in front of a clear choice: whether to finance current expenditures with new subdivisions and related infrastructure costs oppure investire sulla finanza locale. La scelta dei cittadini è stata netta ovvero quella di evitare “la svendita” del territorio per fare cassa , accettando anche un aumento di tasse e lavorando piuttosto sul taglio delle spese comunali di rappresentanza , solo sobrietà e rigore amministrativo. I cittadini hanno scelto l’interesse comune e la responsabilità verso il futuro.

Oggi il Comune di Cassinetta è al centro dell’attenzione delle più grandi testate giornalistiche nazionali e dei servizi televisivi di grande ascolto (Report,Ambiente Italia ,Rai Parlamento) e anche della maggiore testata giapponese Asahi Shimbun that he dedicated an article.

Mayor Domenico Finiguerra wanted to respond and please accept our invitation in the Meeting-Discussion of next January 27. How Committee we are happy ... .. and a little 'pride.

Stefano Bernardini

Thursday, January 21, 2010

15cm By 15cm Aluminum Boat

L 'Endless Torment

six suddisfatt Nun '
tsnti 'n moody roofs lean against ...
's s.nti dprtutt ...
nun know cò ago ...
all. 'N sfrigulament'
alora 's have taken ...
the 'Infiniti' Turment!

Monday, January 25 at 21.00 c / o The Social Saline
premiere de:

nun then propi missing!

Friday, January 15, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Bake Swordfish

The Life of Nick Vujicic

By chance I met the life force of this exceptional person, Nick is a guy who seemingly could be defined
"differently abled" without some pejorative term. Dear Nick
watch your life, your daily read your story for me was confirmation that we "normal" every day we live in 'the most profound disability.
not see and we do not live more than emotions.
We have a heart of titanium locked up in a coffin ... your life ... Your Story ... can be d 'example for those who consider themselves as dissatisfied or have as is.

Nick are great!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Red Bubble Under Tooth

Wi-Fi and the City of All! A particular

Wherever we turn we are bombarded with advertisements on this new technology
"Innocuous" or
as usual, in Italy, you avoid talking about the contraindications related to this application.
the communion of our children, we feel obliged to give the first phone since the hectic world around us, I remember that we were born in '72 corresponded to that goal the first watch real life ... then we find ourselves if we are not able to meet these expectations risk 's expulsion from the family unit ...
goes without saying that the Wi-Fi is defined as the panacea of \u200b\u200ball evils, will bring social benefits, they say, people will meet more and better thanks to all of this technology in Senigallia, the city \u200b\u200bof all! In some nations see
Sweden, applies the precautionary principle action until I know that actually has on the human body, I do not authorize the 'use of this technology. In Italy
what we think?
research is no more, we rely on assurances of research studies of the various corporations that too often buy entire governments with the result to see phones in the hands of kids younger than 10 years.
Here's an interesting article and video related to this topic.
Think twice before you install the Wi-Fi at home, especially if your wife is pregnant. Good reading.

Wi-Fi: the health risks

Le reti WLAN sono il risultato di un progresso che, in cambio di un servizio, trascura irresponsabilmente i pericoli che questo può comportare al benessere dell'uomo.

I sistemi di internet senza fili hanno innalzato ovunque il livello di inquinamento eletromagnetico. Dal mondo scientifico arrivano pareri contrastanti sui possibili effetti sulla salute, ma come di consueto la prudenza è sacrificata sull'altare del mercato.

Il sistema Wi-Fi, noto anche come standard IEEE 801.11, indica tutti quei dispositivi in grado di collegarsi a internet tramite reti locali senza fili (WLAN).
Una tecnologia sempre più diffusa, se si considera che nel 2007 il consumo di apparecchiature dotate di Wi-Fi è cresciuto di circa il 43% rispetto al 2006 (dati In-Stat e Wi-Fi Alliance) e che nel 2008 genererà profitti per 3,1 miliardi di dollari (dati Allied business intelligence – Abi). Le previsioni per i prossimi anni sono davvero da capogiro: si parla di circa 700 milioni di prodotti venduti entro il 2011.

Una stazione radio in casa

Wi-Fi, telefoni cellulari, baby monitor, cordless e bluetooth: anche se le lunghezze d’onda utilizzate sono leggermente diverse, il tipo di radiazioni emesse by these devices is very similar. To transmit data, in fact, the waves are "pulsed" in a quick on-off and, even if the signal often has a low power, when the data is actually transmitted can reach very high peak power.
During an episode of Panorama, a BBC report, the consumer association Powerwatch explained how the radiation emitted from a laptop Wi-Fi are equal to those present in the area closer to a base station phone mobile. A conclusion
harshly criticized by representatives of the telecommunications industry, because he did understand how the health risks associated with the use
mobile phones were also applicable to the exposure
wave of Wi-Fi.
Further concerns were raised following
also by Sir William Stewart, chairman of the British to protect the health
(HPA) and a former scientific adviser to the Thatcher government, who said that mobile phones and masts could be responsible for the tumors , mental health and cell damage and, above all, that 'approach of the World Health Organization (WHO) is not an accurate reflection on the current scientific literature ". In response to these serious allegations, the WHO has tried to deny what Stewart had said pubblicamente, ed ha poi cambiato le sue linee guida ufficiali: oggi, invece di affermare che non esiste «nessuna prova» che il Wi-Fi sia pericoloso, afferma che non esistono «prove consistenti» sul fatto che il Wi-Fi e le WLAN minaccino la salute
della popolazione...

    • Quali sono i rischi per la salute?
    • Che tipo di effetti biologici si possono riscontrare a lungo termine?
    • Cosa affermano gli studi più recenti?
    • Quali sono le accortezze che the consumer can put in place to guard against electromagnetic fields?

Senigallia with its asbestos contamination, from his days with fine powder (2009: past the 70 days of slippage of allowed limits of the law on road traffic to PM10), we want to add additional electromagnetic pollution?

Source: Report Rai Aam Terra Nuova and

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Osteoarthritis Im The Tmj


any of you have seen around in this very special Epiphany day of January 6, us?

With a little ingenuity and lots of student spirit we organized a surprise for the kids, I would say even the greatest!

Many thanks to 'friend Francis for making this game possible.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Cheap Surf Rack Blueprints

Quilly TRIBUTE subtitle: It 's easy to talk to' n yacht 'n Sardegna ...

For all of you Happy 2010 all round this auspicious poetry of the legendary blogger friend Quilly!

Happy New Year everyone e. .. ENJOY!