Friday, October 1, 2010

07 Xterra Differential Fluid

Premio Lupo 2010, ecco i vincitori

The Selection Committee has selected the winners of the fifth edition of the Wolf Prize, a competition reserved for the literary narratives that have as their subject the history and cultural heritage of the Mountains Dauni. For the adult section, with 514 votes, the top step of the podium went to Paul Pergolari (Perugia) with the work titled "The Lavender of the King" in second place, supported by 488 votes, there is Francis Quitadamo (Foggia ) who presented the story titled "State 17, where the sky is closer", with 482 preferences and opera "The resistance of olive trees as" the third place goes to David De Luca (Lucera). This, however, Teens section of the podium: the first prize is awarded by Valentina Salvani 548 votes for the work titled "Rosa Senise: Druda hatred and passion"; second place with 478 votes, Antonio Pupillo (Alberona) and his story entitled "In search of his grandfather's treasure" third place with 462 preferences, "Destiny" by Erika Salvan. Valerie and Erika are sisters, both of Cattle, and have respectively 17 and 15 years; Antonio Pupillo, which went into second place is 13 years old.
year were 104, unpublished short stories that have contributed to the allocation of "Wolf", an award organized by the seven municipalities (Alberona Biccari, Bovino, Castelluccio Valmaggiore, Celle San Vito, Faeto e Roseto Valfortore) con la collaborazione dell’Associazione Saturnia e il patrocinio di Regione Puglia e Provincia di Foggia. La cerimonia di premiazione si terrà ad Alberona il prossimo 30 ottobre, con programma e orario ancora da definire. Anche nel 2010, i migliori lavori saranno pubblicati su una piccola antologia che sarà presentata durante la kermesse di assegnazione dei premi. Il “Lupo”, intanto, sta crescendo di anno in anno: alla quarta edizione, quella del 2009, erano stati ammessi al concorso 83 racconti; 60 nel 2008, a dimostrazione di un’attenzione e un interesse crescenti nei confronti del Premio. Negli ultimi due anni, il “Lupo” è been dominated by women last year and the previous one, the 6 winning entries 4 had a signature of the fairer sex. In 2009, the awards ceremony was held in Faeto and the winning works were translated into Franco, language still alive in the small village. The writing contest created five years ago is twofold: firstly, it is proposed to enhance the wealth of history and culture represented by the municipalities of Dauni Mountains, on the other, will be a useful tool to attract young people and adults to exercise their creativity and use it to promote countries, traditions and values \u200b\u200bthat represent the cultural roots of a vast territory. Their stories, their stories, have the advantage of sailing with the words between the colors and the emotional waves that the landscape, culture and hospitality of the people of the mountains can awaken in Dauni.

info, click on the link: LUPO PREMIUM