Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sinus Headache From Cold Weather

Lo svezzamento naturale (Baby led weaning)

Today I have the first baby food (cream of rice in vegetable broth) to James. He has eaten a bit 'but is not absolutely loved. How to blame him? I also tried it and I was really tasteless .. a friend of mine, also grappling with the weaning of her daughter, suggested I read up on the natural weaning. This is what I found, in a nutshell (thanks to her).
The Baby Led Weaning (here also called "accustomed") - or-BLW is a practice of weaning, except that it offers the most pediatricians today. The theory is that in nature (and practice for many animals, of course) the little kids go independently from breastfeeding all'esplorazone of alternative foods within their habitat . The BLW
the child begins to eat solid foods for fun alone, with your hands. Are not given to the child puree (baby food to the tiny, pale yellow, low-taste), but the pieces of food that the child will be only the mouth. There is no stress nor anxiety for the child to the mother (as is often the case for him to eat baby food) and it seems that this method di approccio ai cibi solidi porti i bambini ad essere meno difficili nei gusti alimentari quando saranno un po' più grandi . Oltre al fatto che lo svezzamento guidato dal bambino sembra essere la naturale prosecuzione dell'allattamento a richiesta.

Lo svezzamento naturale (con le parole di Lucio Piermarini - vedi sotto) è un' "interpretazione dello svezzamento e della successiva alimentazione nei primi anni di vita a dir poco sconvolgente, imprevedibile e, nello stesso tempo, più semplice e più complessa rispetto a quella attualmente in auge. Più semplice , perché fa piazza pulita di ricettine, schemi, artifici vari e filosofie di tendenza. more complex, for the focus on such factors as the strong bond between the child's eating behavior and emotional relationship with their parents, thus compelled to take ownership of their responsibilities. It 's so the child to be at the heart of the system , not the parents or pediatrician. As for breastfeeding, it is he who guides the parents, and this means:
  • no more conflicts during meals;
  • better nutrition;
  • save time and money;
  • disappearance of eating disorders. "
Here you will find an introduction on the natural weaning (in English)
Qui un forum inglese sullo svezzamento naturale.

La lega del Latte di Roma suggerisce che:
I cibi con cui si può iniziare ( non prima dei 6 mesi compiuti e solo quando il bimbo sembra pronto) sono:

carota bollita
mela sbollentata (ricordarsi che è astringente!)
pera di quelle morbide (ricordarsi che è lassativa!)
carne molto tenera a vapore come hamburger
del bollito
una susina
una pesca.
Lo schema da seguire è: prima il seno, poi i pezzetti di cibo e poi il secondo seno se si vede che ha ancora fame. Un'avvertenza: variando i cibi, varieranno le abitudini dell'evacuazione. Bisogna allora bilanciare cibi che stimolano e cibi che stringono.

Per avere altre informazioni, digitare su
Google o qualsiasi motore di ricerca l'espressione baby led weaning . Si può cercare anche Gill Rapley rappresentante dell’iniziativa dell’Unicef Baby Friendly Iniziative e autrice delle linee guida sullo svezzamento "Baby-Led" ( qui si possono scaricare le sue linee guida - in inglese).

Let the child involved when a family is eating
Put it straight when experimenting with food. Beginning in arm looking at the table. Then the chair.
Give the first food and possibly as large as the fist things that you're eating.
Offer a variety of foods such as offrireste a variety of toys.
Offer foods that have refused further: children often change their minds.
Put the newspaper under the chair or a sheet of plastic.
continue breastfeeding when they want and for as long as he wants.
fun to watch him and learn develops its capacity.

not do them quickly.
Do not be groped to put food in your mouth.
Do not expect to eat the first few times: once you find that these toys have a good taste will start to chew and swallow.
Never leave your child alone with food.
Do not expect to eat everything at the beginning.
Do not offer foods that are a choking hazard (popcorn, hot dogs, beans, whole grapes, peanuts, carrots, apples, celery and fennel raw)

Main " My child does not eat me , "the pediatrician English Carlos Gonzalez,
" I wean yourself! dialogues on weaning " Lucio Piermarini (Publisher Bonomi Euro 14,90) . [read both the first, if you have other things to Gonzales" A gift for life "if there is not if which you already have a child with eating problems, the second is a book easy to read, very clear and enjoyable to read!].
natural weaning is also covered in the book "A gift for life" by Carlos Gonzales. The author says that a child eating half rigatoni with their hands and what does it happily took a step in the right direction, because in a few months and will eat in five years a few whole pot. Instead what we eat whole grain porridge made of nine, but only if the mother has to take, trying to distract him and insisting he did not even step. Is not learning to eat alone, or chewing, or to enjoy the food or to eat what adults eat (we certainly do not eat cereal nine) because in the future will continue to need to be fed (p. 210).

UPGRADE 21 September '09:
James now has a year and some months by eating only the food into pieces (from 9 months to have refused the meals as well). It is not choking, it's quick to eat (swallow) everything, so much so that usually ends in 15 minutes to eat, he eats anything, including vegetables and a lot of fun. It 's true, baby led weaning is more' confusing (there's definitely more dirt under the chair than when you eat the meals), but up to now drop 3-4 pieces of food, but only when James was really hungry . If he is not hungry it falls much more. Ultimately I'm happy to have used this method, but it only works if the first month you do not hurry the child eat large quantities. Now, one year, James-eating alone, with little hands-first, second and fruit! All in good quantity.


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