Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Resorts Inflorida

Ghared slowly woke up and set fire to the surrounding environment. It was daylight, the sky of intense blue, the only sounds the screeching of seagulls and the surf of the waves. He was lying on a rock smoothed by the wind that protruded from the cliff for at least twenty feet above the sea.
His memories from woods Saarna were vague, confused with the dream: the white dragon, the pain of his wounds, something fluid and burning his body, flying over the sea surrounded by the legs of the creature, and those words, incomprehensible , like muffled roar that still rang in his ears. He must have lost consciousness several times and for a long time. And his wounds were healed.

could not understand in what place he was, was walking about a quarter of the arc looking for solar civilization, of a port, a settlement. Nothing but rocks. His suspicions were confirmed when he arrived at the place from which he had begun the journey: it was on an island, alone and with his sword.
When he heard the beating of wings first instinct was to hide: he threw himself behind a ledge and watched the huge dragon land not far from where he had awoken. It was the creature he had seen in the pool just before unconsciousness, he was sure: those incredibly expressive eyes and veiled by a great sadness remained firmly etched in his mind. He decided to come forward.

Ghared Katya said as he approached, "Well," thought "has been completely restored, it is fortunate that the blood of dragons we have incredible regenerative effects on humans." He tried once again to talk to him, to no avail, only a few were given the gift of understand the ancestral language of his race. He could not even hope that stroke of luck, it was already time to be able to reach the island. But now that the young man was fully aware he could get in touch with his mind, calm his fears and perhaps send a few fragments of what had happened during his convalescence.

Ghared felt a strong sense of nausea when first opened his mind to the intellect of the dragon. It lasted a moment, had been hit by unfamiliar emotions, distressing as the loss of their children and the genocide of his race, had a few moments in successive images of armies of the exterminators, the big mangled bodies reptiles, two baby dragons swallowed by darkness, he saw himself fighting in the woods, we saw him fall, pick up the dragon, he realized that his injuries had been treated with the blood of their savior, retraced their flight through the great sea , and now knew exactly where he was and why.

"Here's your sword," Katya said, handing the knife to Ghared extraordinary bill. "I beg your pardon but I needed evidence to bring before the Supreme Whyrm lead you to him. He wants to see you, Prince. " The great dragon would surely have found a solution so that you understand. Ghared including an invitation to climb on his back. When he felt his arms
the young man on his neck stood up in the air: before clumsily flapping his wings to gain altitude, then more and more fluid movements and went back as he rode the updrafts of warm air, to have a clear view of the island . He heard the cry of wonder Ghared and let out a smile, the first since he lost ... and Halandor Jaladrin. He saw the lonely mountain steep walls and steep, the glittering palace. He fell swoop.

Ghared stomach was still trying to return to his post in the air as they crossed the long natural cave, like a large corridor from time high. In a strange light filtered through the wonders of nature from the outside e sotto forma di grandi raggi attraversava l’ambiente riflettendosi sulle pietre e i minerali presenti in grande quantità nella roccia. Ma il principe ebbe poco tempo per stupirsi perché nella grotta successiva si trovò al cospetto della creatura più grande e maestosa che avesse mai incontrato.
Il grande drago d’oro era colossale, ritto sulle possenti zampe anteriori al centro della caverna. Le scaglie dorate scintillavano e spandevano riflessi accecanti al più piccolo e impercettibile movimento rendendo lucida e cangiante la sua pelle metallica. Il corpo e la testa dell’antico rettile non avevano speroni ossei ma solo ampie placche d’oro ovali giunte tra loro, dalla cresta rialzata e affilata. Tra i fumi del fiato incandescente gli occhi del dragone fissavano Ghared e Katya, densi e sfavillanti come oro fuso.
“Benvenuto, Principe degli Uomini. Io sono Whyrm lo Sfavillante, ultimo dei Dorati, e padre della progenie dei Draghi che da secoli abita la terra dei tuoi antenati”
Katya chinò il capo al cospetto dell’enorme drago. Ghared, che aveva sentito rimbombare nella sua mente le parole della creatura imponente, chinò il capo in segno di rispetto.
“Grande Whyrm, gravi avvenimenti hanno sconvolto…”
“Conosco la tua storia, i tuoi lutti, e la triste sorte a cui è andata incontro la mia stirpe. E conosco il flagello che imperversa tutt’ora nella Grande Valle. Il rancore che muove gli esseri che Call Exterminators dates back to when the first Dragons sprang from the bowels of the Mountains of Fire. "
"be? How is it possible they are men ... "Ghared said, confused.
"At one time it was the dawn of civilization, when they first shook covenants with the fathers of my race. But one of them, a mad king who longed for power and devoted to occult practices, killed a dragon to use its blood in a dark ritual, aimed to give them the strength and immortality of my ancestors. He paid with his life his actions but he managed to give birth to a brotherhood of being blinded by hatred, the oldest of human and utterly destroyed the dragons in order to assimilate the grandezza”.
Ghared capì: la potenza degli sterminatori, le loro armi, l’ascendente dell’Usurpatore sul suo popolo. Era sconcertato e si appellò alla saggezza del grande drago d’oro per capire in che modo sconfiggere gli Sterminatori.
“Fu combattuta una guerra sanguinosa nella quale la maggior parte dei miei padri persero la vita. Ma alla fine il re Folle fu sconfitto da Arghanteron, il più possente dei draghi d’argento. Dopo aver eliminato la minaccia che gravava sulla mia stirpe egli scomparve nelle profondità dei Crinali Occidentali, nella terra che oggi appartiene agli uomini del Nord. Egli è l’unico in grado di estirpare il male che minaccia le nostre razze”.
“Ma…grande Whyrm…come faremo a trovarlo?” Chiese Katya con voce rotta dall’emozione.
“Quando venne suggellato il Patto di Sangue raccolsi alcune donne umane e affidai loro un sapere da custodire con molto riserbo: insegnai loro la lingua dei draghi, come percepire la nostra presenza, come condividere i nostri pensieri ed emozioni e molte altre capacità. Trovate una di queste donne, ella vi condurrà verso l’ultima speranza che ci rimane”.

(Alessandro Bertoni)


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