Sunday, December 13, 2009

Green Tea And Pre Diabetes


A Senigallia in tanto stiamo a guardare, il Consiglio Comunale preferred to discuss at its meeting on November 18 us 's approval of the plan construction area ex-Sacelit instead of talking in the opening line of' amendment or decree or regulation or law or whatever you want, in order to secure the greatest good valuable, the 'water designated as inalienable.

He preferred to speak of concrete .... more concrete.

seems to live in a reality beyond any logic of common sense.

are virtuous community in Italy is so difficult to follow?
It 'so hard to think of the common good?
It 'so hard to think about the future of our children?


and more ...

the first victims of this privatization.

Directors and political revolt against the implementation of the recent decree that requires the privatization of water. A new alliance and multi-colored cross that is creating major political embarrassment. From the Val d'Aosta, Trentino, through the Veneto and Lombardy. Even the League at the forefront ...
deluged with criticism over the Ronchi decree which provides for the mandatory privatization of the primary good of humanity and the whole earth. Criticisms that exceed the guidelines Political and transversely across the country from north to south
In North Italy the political battle seems to be particularly significant. carried out by the League, for reasons of identity and cultural, as well as antagonistic forces of the left and to areas of the PD. Paradoxically a law sought by the right wing has met with favor, or earlier, in administrative regions and municipalities of the center-left (Tuscany, with public water most expensive Italy is an obvious example). But rather than accusations is perhaps appropriate to highlight the good will of politicians and administrators involved in the recapture of what is most precious, indispensable per la sopravvivenza.

Il fronte di resistenza contro la privatizzazione adesso si compatta in una coalizione multicolore, capace di mettere a soqquadro le compagini politico-amministrativa e di creare nuovi imbarazzi nella creazione di alleanze in vista delle future elezioni regionali.

Paolo Rumiz, dalle pagine di Repubblica, segnala iniziative politiche forti di rigetto del decreto Ronchi. Cominciando dall'estremo nord è la Val d'Aosta a bloccare ogni possibile incursione privata nel mondo delle sorgenti: nella normativa regionale a due settimane dal voto in parlamento, l'acqua è stata classificata "bene privo di rilevanza economica", e quindi inattaccabile by a magnet to private interests. In Trentino against the parliamentary vote is preparing an action for constitutionality. A Treviso, on a proposal from the opposition, center-right majority passed a motion to reclaim water as a right and not as a commodity. In Lombardy
to stir things we thought the Constitutional Court rejected a law that some regional 'reckless, that wanted to entrust to private delivery, leaving the burden to general maintenance.
Meanwhile they discuss the cases of service disruption that took place in Lazio, Campania and Lombardy, where the left would be in the A2A Brescia Dry 150 families for non-payment.

Nationally note that the Italian Forum of Water Movements has launched a campaign against art. 15 of the Ronchi Decree (DL 135/09) permanently privatizing the drinking water in Italy.

Source: Aam Terra Nuova


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