Saturday, April 11, 2009

How Do You Anneal Primers

Iron in gravidanza e allattamento

pregnant and lactating women in general sometimes you need more iron. In pregnancy, the iron if you take the baby while breast-feeding, this, even when taken by their mother from food or supplements, does not pass into milk and this is one of the reasons for which pediatricians recommended to start introducing solid foods (especially meat, which is more absorbable iron) in the diet of the infant (after 6 months).

For us, this is a list of

* Milza, bovino 42.0000
* Fegato, suino 18.0000
* Tea, in foglie 15.2000
* Cacao, amaro in polvere 14.3000
* Crusca di frumento 12.9000
* Fegato, ovino 12.6000
* Storione, uova (caviale) 11.8000
* Pepe nero 11.2000
* Germe di frumento 10.0000
* Menta 9.5000
* Fagioli borlotti, secchi, crudi 9.0000
* Fegato, equino 9.0000
* Fagioli cannellini, secchi, crudi 8.8000
* Fagioli dall'occhio, secchi 8.8000
* Fegato, bovino 8.8000
* Rosmarino 8.5000
* Fagioli, secchi, crudi 8.0000
* Lenticchie, secche, crude 8.0000
* Rene, bovino 8.0000
* Radicchio verde 7.8000
* 7.3000 * Pistachios
flour, soy
6.9000 * Soy, dried
6.9000 * Lung, bovine
6.7000 * Chickpeas, dried, raw cashews *
6.4000 6.0000 6.0000
* * * Oyster 6.0000
mussels or mussel
5.8000 5.6000 * Muesli *
Lupini, soaked
5.5000 5.5000 * Basil *
5.5000 * Apricots, dehydrated
5.3000 * Heart, pig
5.3000 5.2000 * Rolled oats *
Rughetta or rocket
5.2000 * beans, dried, shelled
5.0000 * Apricots , dried
5.0000 * Heart * Heart
5.0000 equine, sheep
5.0000 * Chocolate, chocolate
5.0000 * Eggs, chicken, egg
4.9000 * Lievito di birra, compresso 4.9000
* Cuore, bovino 4.6000
* Piselli, secchi 4.5000
* Farina, avena 4.2000
* Prezzemolo 4.2000
* Patè, di fegato 4.1000

Aggiungerei l'alga Dulse (in erboristeria), che si può aggiungere a zuppe e minestre.
Si può aumentare l'assorbimento del ferro non emico (il ferro dei vegetali) aumentando il consumo di cibi contenenti vitamina C , aumentando il volume dei succhi gastrici usando piante amare come la genziana ogni volta che si mangia, circa 20 minuti prima del pasto, aumentando il consumo di vegetali ricchi in ferro, e controllando di non avere deficienze di vitamina A (una deficienza causa una deficienza in Fe). Spremere il limone on the meat when you eat it increases the absorption of iron in it.
Naturopathy recommend the apple spike:
iron to be absorbed by the body needs to be treated with something acidic it fixed immediately. Take an apple, wash it and fill it with nails (that you previously boiled). When around the nail (the part in contact with the skin) will form a circular brown stain rise nails and eat the apple. The acidity of the apple down and to assimilate iron.

Here more about iron and anemia

Ayurveda has a preparation that provides iron and is called "Sideromap (Maharic of Ayurveda).


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