Sunday, January 25, 2009

Canadian Hunting Rifles


In the dark depths of his cramped hut, Katya cried. Salty tears moisten the large red-eye from cutting elongated stream then the big nose up to slip into his mouth half open and drip the enormous neck. His keen eye spotted
Halandor Jaladrin and huddled in a corner. By the grace of the gods were able to sleep but the rumblings and the constant movement of its stubby bodies betrayed the presence of dark nightmares that were to haunt him. The rest could never be as serene? Their father, the Venerable Jahagl was killed just three days earlier, his white coat stained with the blood of betrayal. The entire progeny of the Dragons had been wiped out by white Crinali Orientali. Le loro case di roccia erano state saccheggiate, le uova distrutte.
L’Usurpatore aveva giurato di ucciderli tutti, di spazzare via la loro progenie dalla Grande Valle. Per secoli i loro popoli avevano vissuto in pace. Gli uomini nelle loro città e i draghi nelle case di roccia scavate alle propaggini delle montagne. Secondo il Patto di Sangue gli uomini offrivano offerto cibo ai draghi che, in cambio, proteggevano in cambio i passi di accesso alla Grande Valle, contro i beduini del Deserto Ignoto e gli uomini del nord.
Era stato l’Usurpatore a cambiare le cose. Nessuno sapeva chi fosse o da dove venisse. Aveva ucciso il Re degli Uomini e aveva preso il potere, schiacciando ogni opposizione. Lui e la sua guardia personale si facevano Exterminators called Dragons.
He taught men to fight and defend themselves.
"I will deliver you from your bondage." He promised the village leaders gathered at the meeting.
The first dragon had died poisoned by eating food poisoned with confidence that the men had given to them. When the Venerable and Jahagl Kurgran Mantle Ebon had understood the trick, then, was the war broke out. The usurper had fielded his army of exterminators Dragons, armed with pipes throwing fire, managing to strike from afar, and burning of blades in contact with the thick skin of the dragon.
Taken aback, dozens of dragons had been exterminated. The first to be destroyed were the green dragons, small and wingless, then those who lived in Blue mountain lakes of the northern chain. The bloodiest battle was with the Whites and the Blacks. The battle was fought to the High sources, three thousand two hundred dragons against Exterminators, riding horses and dark-coated steel with a helmet in the shape of a wolf. We drove the Usurper and his lieutenant, the Laas-ar tumultuous.
Dragons had lost and the exterminators had been chasing every mother and every puppy. Katya was about to be killed by three Exterminators, together with his sons on the pitch Hastanga when Kurgran Mantle Ebon had rescued them, killing the men and leading them there, on the highest peaks of the North.
A powerful beat of wings and a gust of hot breath announced the arrival of Kurgran. The dragon went heavily into the cave, a huge mass of scaly croakers, silver and crimson streaks. From head to tail tip, the dragon was thirty-two feet long and had the wingspan of sixty. He had a double cornea crest that adorned the back, a characteristic of Blacks, while the people of Katya had a single bone crest. The huge jaws of Kurgan were armed with two rows of huge teeth, with long canines nearly a foot and a half. The dragon looked upon her for a few moments with crimson eyes. It was at least twice and she was more also of great Jahagl the Venerable.
"I found them." Kurgan spoke the mind of Katya. "They are very close. We must leave immediately "
" How many? ".
"At least one hundred Exterminators. Armed to the teeth, under the command of tumultuous. Below are the Pass, between three to four hours will be here. "
"Where shall we go?". Katya actually knew the answer. An enchanted island over the Unknown Ocean Red Desert. There reigned Whyrm the sparkling, a golden dragon that had more than eight hundred years. The legend said that the founders of the Four Schiatta who had moved to the Valle Grande, five centuries ago, were Whyrm children. No one knew why the dragons had colonized the Great Valley, why they had to live with men. the reign of the flamboyant, according to legend, was inhabited by hundreds of dragons living masters, served by hundreds of large lizards that worshiped them as gods. "It will be a hard journey, and especially Halandor Jaladrin. The two cubs had just thirty years and their little wings did not allow for long journeys.
"but I understand it is our only hope. We must start now. "
"Why not leave us in peace? The valley is their now. " Katya complained.
"I'm afraid I do not want to reach Whyrm lo Sfavillante”.
“Pensi che l’Usurpatore nasconda qualche cosa?”.
“Può darsi. In fondo in pochi mesi ci ha sconfitti tutti. Ha armi che certo gli uomini della Valle non hanno mai posseduto. Ora, però, non abbiamo tempo di scoprirlo. Ci occuperemo di lui in un secondo momento... il nostro sangue sarà vendicato”.

(Autori Gabriele Sorrentino e Marcello Ventilati)

Bene ora la palla passa a voi. Noi ci siamo limitati a mettere sul piatto alcuni spunti e non abbiamo idea di dove ci porterà la storia. Vi piacciono i personaggi che abbiamo descritto? Potete usarli ma anche inventarne altri. Trovate interessante lo spunto dei Dragons become the hunted instead of the actors in the bloody destructive fantasy sagas abound? You can continue on this line or continue the story from the subjective extermination Dragons. You have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat pushes the Usurper to destroy the offspring of dragons?
All these things you must tell us. Who wants to contribute to this history has to send CHAPTER 1 within 24 hours of 31 January to this e-mail:
bookmodena.fantasy @ . Of course you can use the same address to ask any additional information or clarification regarding the progetto.Buon work!


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