Monday, May 19, 2008

Sample Church Donation Letter Car

Leggeri come papaveri

Saturday morning I received a call from a friend, I was returning from Alberona: stop the car at the entrance of a cattle track and continue to listen. Meanwhile, snap photos at a beautiful field of poppies. You keep talking. We get some healthy laughter, some bitter. To the poppies - beautiful, red and light to those who make their crowns of velvet and the wave "pogano" rubbing with weeds and stalks of corn, the speeches that we do not give a damn. Spring explodes, fun, invent palettes, pull the yellow to red, green mixed with purple, and the sides of the roads become a drawing of a child with his hands smeared with color. All around, nature is indifferent to the chaos and misunderstandings arising from frustration or lack of intelligence men. I try to explain the concept to my friend, when they are already on the road to Foggia. She finally understands and laughs heartily. Lucera At the political and social situation is riddled with envy those who consume them and produces small-sized challenges that are unnecessarily energy drain that would deserve another job, another direction. For example, it would not hurt to try to understand what is happening in some countries "of the mountain." Dauni Mountains, there are mayors who have agreed to give meaning to their mandate. They explained their "vision" citizenship. The desire to focus on services, small and medium enterprises, tourism, starting to build a different identity for their communities: not just complain, abandonment, the sad refrain of depopulation and unemployment. Of course, it is not easy, is not immediate. The money is short. We must sharpen our wits, make the most of the funds made available from Europe, use wisely those resulting from wind farms already in place and those who will be operating soon. But the rewards are starting to look at, to be tangible to be stone work, concrete work and sweat. Take a stroll in Roseto, the water mill. And the mayoress explains. Go and see what they have done in Deliceto, or discover it first by clicking on
Di Puglia Orsara know almost everything, except that since 2003, when the crisis has slowed the development of all Italy, the country's economic indicators showed a significant increase in GDP per capita. For Alberona, in a fantastic natural amphitheater, is growing the most spectacular multi-purpose structure of the province of Foggia. In these and other small municipalities, the desire to escape extinction, re-launch of combining tradition and innovation, he overcame the temptation to row against each other, and administrators - including opposition - have found the collaboration of all le forze vive del tessuto sociale. Lucera, e la stessa cosa vale per Foggia – San Severo e Cerignola, dovrebbe seguirne l’esempio. Lucera come Comunità. L’azione efficace di un sindaco, di una Giunta, sono condizioni necessarie ma non sufficienti per la realizzazione di un progetto di rilancio e ricostruzione. Tutte le altre analisi, i ricorsi al Tar, le battaglie intra e fra partiti, i messaggi sibillini, le avventure lessicali e sintattiche per spiegare il vuoto, sono pesanti come l’inutilità. Impariamo a essere semplici, leggeri come papaveri. Forza Lucera.


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