Saturday, March 12, 2011

Buy Desert Eagle Canada

"Ah, okèi..." (i cujùn in semper quèi)

Now someone needs to explain it to me. Yes, because I had the good fortune not to attend certain tv, I have no idea who did start this new nasty fashion. Suspect's television are almost certain: it must be by force from there that came out. But who will be the first, the original model, the caposcimmiotto imitazionale the monkey? Presenting a bitch? A coglionazzo from reality? A strolling player of Zelig? A Bamboccio MTV? A famous foreign star? A commercial smash? Or is it instead was a radio deejay? Tell me you: I have no way of knowing. I mean, you can tell from the title, all'inflazionatissimo "Ah, okèi. I think many of you have overheard, no? Now a couple of years, all the people who first told constantly "Okèi" now use the new formula to parrot "Ah, okèi. But the tone is different, original expression, for a taste semisfottente like, "Are you saying a big dick, but let's pretend we believe."
"How old are said to have, the old one?"
"Ah, okèi"
But the 'Ah, okèi! "Is especially pronounced with ritardatella and vacant expression, as one who has (Almost) caught the message only after the fact esserselo repeat a half dozen times.
"The hypotenuse is the longest that stuff, you got it now, moron?"
"Ah, okèi"
"to stop before the wall you had to press the pedal in half, you idiot, not the clutch!"
"Ah, okèi "
childhood I remember a scene in the waiting room of a station. A boy is not very bright on the phone and constantly repeats "Okèi ... okèi ... okèi ... "until you jump on an old comment in a low voice:" Eh, okèi, okèi ... cujùn always those in the "...
okèi But while it was a simple leap, the 'Oh, okèi "is something more (and worse) is in fact part of the new-wildcard expressions, good for everything. People are becoming so lazy that, by dint of Limar via words, is able to spend a life usandone no more than twenty or thirty (once to indicate a poor ignorant they said "will have a vocabulary of 500 words, today with 500 words are a monster speaking ...)
triumphs for some time in Italy, the annoying monoaggettivo-wildcard "important", that some idiots use so profusely that I now I do care are also used when a brush would be:
" Votes conseguito una vittoria importante in una partita importante contro un avversario importante, grazie a un gol importante del loro giocatore più importante”. Un commentatore che parla così non viene deriso o licenziato a calci, ma ringraziato per l’importante contributo...
L’”Ah, okèi” è invece diventata la rispostina-jolly. La si può usare al posto di qualunque altra.
Al posto di “Grazie”:
“Che ore sono?”
“Le tre meno venti”.
“Ah, okèi!”
Al posto di “Salute”:
"Ah, okèi"
Instead of "Go fuck off and be ashamed!"
"The referendum on nuclear power and the privatization of water will be held in late June"
"Ah, okèi"
But what I do not understand is, if they so urgently to save words, and then breath, because then devastate the fuck with those fucking "absolutely yes" and "absolutely not" instead of Yes or No?! Why
says simonaventura?
Ah, okèi ...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pain In Lower Left Abdomen And Groin

Gastroenteritis in children: what to do?

Giacomo qualche tempo fa ha avuto una gastoenerite o influenza intestinale, come si sente dire. Vomito e diarrea (niente febbre). 
La pediatra mi ha detto che si cura con la dieta ed in particolare bisogna comportarsi in questo modo:
Lasciar passare due ore dall'ultimo episodio di vomito e poi iniziare a somministrare una miscela di acqua e limone (50/50) con un pò di zucchero (o miele o fruttosio) lentamente e a cucchiaini. Quando riesce a non vomitare un bicchiere di questo liquido lasciar passare altre due ore prima di dare del cibo.
In caso di nuovo vomito ricominciare il digiuno di due ore, ecc.

allowed food: rice or pasta with olive oil and parmesan cheese, white meat (lamb, chicken, turkey), no milk or dairy, no fruit except bananas, no sugar. Liquids: water with lemon and sugar (the lemon kills the bacteria, never water alone) or rehydration drinks (Gatorade, etc.).
The diet should be continued for 24 hours after vomiting or diarrhea.
James has recovered after about a week.

NB Always consult your doctor before following my directions (which are mostly a journal for myself)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Motorcycle Truing Stand


A small daily doses
assume this devastating thought on the woman question, an 'addiction to which we are not aware, we do not realize the evil that comes to our image is referred ... Sometimes we have moments of lucidity, but then we fall back into the network of the perfect model of obsessive perfection.
Dictated by whom?
From the will of men who want a woman with no personality to one end ..
If you're a woman and sensitive as this, you will feel a strong stomach looking at these pictures all together one after the 'other to the end.

A 'imagination altered to fake out the women in, let us use this without affixing a minimum veto the final result of our caricature.
I get angry, but I do not agree with all of society against, and then how to try to change some things if you do not listen to our true nature, regaining contact with it while respecting the rhythm of living a life that we have left to follow patterns that there shall be imposed ... let us not talk about the ads we take our role and our personality.
is not true that we are only botox, beauticians and shopping there is much much much more, we have life!